



  1. Active Last Hour: 133
  2. Active Last Day: 2725
  3. Active All Time: 2292451
  4. Agent Database Size: 10587903
  5. Group Database Size: 165793

Submit Agent key

Are some agents missing from the database? Copy and paste their UUID's (Keys) here. Separate multiple keys by commas or spaces

Submit Group key

Are some groups missing from the database? Copy and paste their UUID's (Keys) here. Separate multiple keys by commas or spaces

What is ATIS

ATIS (Aozora Tech Information Service) is a system that streamlines the handling of information of Second Life residents, groups and regions. This makes it easier and faster for scripts and web services to access necessary information such as finding out the name of a group, or when a resident was 'born' (rez day).

What does ATIS know about me?

Simply put, ATIS doesn't know anything about you that couldn't be obtained through LSL scripts. ATIS simply makes it faster and easier without needing all of the overhead of processing this data through LSL dataserver events.

Can I opt-out?

Unfortunately, this is not possible as it could possibly break certain functions in my products.